The Game
Red Pixel III controls similarly to the previous games in the series.
The player moves the character around using the W, A, S, D keys.
Aim your weapon with the mouse. Pressing the left mouse button fires. Notice that as your mouse moves away from your character, the camera looks towards that direction, and it also zooms out slightly.
Weapons can be selected by the number keys, or by scrolling the mouse wheel.
When you die, press Space to respawn.
Press Tab to view everyone's scores. There are two numbers next to each player. The first shows his/her total score. The second number (in brackets), shows the number of kills made since the map was started.
You can type text messages to other players by pressing Enter.
Clients can press Esc during a game to quit. Client-servers can press Esc during a game to return to the lobby.
Weapon: Missile Launcher Missile launchers fire off large explosives. A direct hit can kill almost anyone. Nearby players will also be hurt in the resulting blast. |
Weapon: Micro-Missiles This weapon fires smaller explosives than the missile launcher, but much more rapidly. The rapid firing rate however causes the gun to loose accuracy - be careful when using in corridors! |
Weapon: Grenade Launcher Grenades explode on impact will players and crates, or a short time after coming to rest. These are the only projectiles in the game that can bounce, and fall under gravity. |
Weapon: Blaster Your first gun, and the weakest weapon in the game. This gun does not require any ammo to fire. |
Weapon: Shotgun Shotguns spray 10 projectiles with every shot. A deadly weapon when fired at close range. |
Weapon: Vulcan This futuristic looking gun fires projectiles at extremely high speeds. An ideal choice for routing fleeing enemies. |
Weapon: Minigun Your standard issue minigun. It has the fastest firing rate of all the weapons. |
Instantly heal your wounds with this medkit. |
Dish out double damage for every shot you fire! |
Adds a laser pointer to show you where you are pointing your weapon. It also reduces the spray of your gun. |
Increase your visibility with a lightamp. |
Locate and hunt down your closest enemy with this tracker. Also prevents other players from sneaking up on you. |